Please note this deck doesn’t have any medium or high damage spell. Its defensive potential is great and offensive potential is also great. Tap or click here to quickly add this deck to the game. So these are your most important cards for baiting your opponent. Alternatively, you can bait Fireball, Poison and Lightning with Musketeer. You can bait Fireball, Poison and Lightning with Cannon. This deck has 6 elixir 4-card cycle with Skeletons, Ice Spirit, Ice Golem and The Log. Fireball and The Log are your spells so no matter what use them wisely. This Hog Rider deck is a good choice for free-to-play players. Please note this deck doesn’t have any drawbacks.

Its defensive potential is good and offensive potential is moderate.

At least they will help you a lot in the rest of the game. Because at these levels the decks are very useful. To be clear, The most important feature that distinguishes Arena 8 from the previous arenas is that it is where classical decks begin to be built. What to expect from Arena 8? Players will be able to access Ice Spirit, Snowball, Ice Golem, Elixir Collector, Freeze, Bowler, Ice Wizard and Lumberjack cards. Because this content will help you find the best decks for Arena 8. Do you want to get out of the Arena 8 and reach out Arena 9 also known as Jungle Arena? Now, relax.